I've been saying this to my friends for years and they have not listened. Dr. Mercola explains it so eloquently. Please view this very short and informative video.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Another Shocking Warning About Swine Flu Vaccine
The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shocking warning about its safety.
Socio-Economics History Blog July 15, 2009
Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals, and some fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.
The vaccine can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.
This is from the follow website:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Vaccination Myth #3

Myth 3: “Vaccines are completely safe for children.”
Reality: Vaccines are much more dangerous than we are even aware of. This is information that you will probably not receive from your doctor and if you child does have a reaction, it is unlikely that your doctor will report it. In 1986, the United States Congress created The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which acknowledges the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death. This law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination and also requires doctors to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration, which monitors this (along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), acknowledged that 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions as required by law.
More than 12,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported each year. If the rate of under-reporting is considered, this number should be closer to 120,000. Vaccine-related deaths occurring each year may be over 1000. The compensation portion of the Vaccine Injury Act awards up to $250,000 if a child dies from a vaccination or millions in dollars to cover lifelong medical bills, pain and suffering in the case of a brain-damaged child. By 1997, more than $802 million had been awarded for hundreds of injuries and deaths (5000 cases, 700 of which were deaths). Thousands of cases are still pending and the estimated future liability for the government exceeds $1.7 billion. A portion of the money that parents pay for vaccinations goes to this congressional fund, which basically means that you are paying insurance each time your child is vaccinated.
In many cases, vaccinations are more serious than the diseases they are meant to protect a person from. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is probably the most dangerous. The chances of suffering a serious adverse reaction to DPT vaccines are 1 in 1750, while the chances of dying from pertussis each year are 1 in several million. A study at UCLA found that 1 in 13 children had persistent high pitched crying after the DPT shot. One in 700 had convulsions or shock, which may cause learning disabilities or brain damage. Vaccinations, in general, have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system. This includes encephalitis (central nervous system disorder, brain damage), paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer.
National and International studies have shown a link between vaccinations and SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). One study found that the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months, the time when the first routine vaccinations are given. Another study concluded that ½ of SIDS cases (2500 of 5000) are related to vaccinations. In the mid-70’s, when Japan raised their vaccinations age from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically. The disturbing fact in the United State is that coroners refuse to check the vaccination state of SIDS victims, which makes it difficult to prove many cases.
Other important truths to consider include the fact that vaccinations actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it. They only focus on one aspect of the immune system, which interferes with the body’s ability to initiate a “generalized response”. Only that one particular aspect of the system will function. What this means is that the vaccinations produce immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other diseases and infections. This may explain why the rate of childhood illness has actually increased rather than decreased in this society. Vaccinations also contain additional chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and aluminum phosphate, which are extremely toxic substances that can lead to hazardous effects. Microscopic doses may lead to cancer, neurological damage, and even death. Several of these may accumulate in the body such that the lethality increases as the number of vaccine increase.
And the story continues. This is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a larger amount of information available for those who wish to learn more (see websites listed below). It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
(Source: HealthFreedomUSA.org)
Reality: Vaccines are much more dangerous than we are even aware of. This is information that you will probably not receive from your doctor and if you child does have a reaction, it is unlikely that your doctor will report it. In 1986, the United States Congress created The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which acknowledges the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death. This law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination and also requires doctors to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration, which monitors this (along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), acknowledged that 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions as required by law.
More than 12,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported each year. If the rate of under-reporting is considered, this number should be closer to 120,000. Vaccine-related deaths occurring each year may be over 1000. The compensation portion of the Vaccine Injury Act awards up to $250,000 if a child dies from a vaccination or millions in dollars to cover lifelong medical bills, pain and suffering in the case of a brain-damaged child. By 1997, more than $802 million had been awarded for hundreds of injuries and deaths (5000 cases, 700 of which were deaths). Thousands of cases are still pending and the estimated future liability for the government exceeds $1.7 billion. A portion of the money that parents pay for vaccinations goes to this congressional fund, which basically means that you are paying insurance each time your child is vaccinated.
In many cases, vaccinations are more serious than the diseases they are meant to protect a person from. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is probably the most dangerous. The chances of suffering a serious adverse reaction to DPT vaccines are 1 in 1750, while the chances of dying from pertussis each year are 1 in several million. A study at UCLA found that 1 in 13 children had persistent high pitched crying after the DPT shot. One in 700 had convulsions or shock, which may cause learning disabilities or brain damage. Vaccinations, in general, have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system. This includes encephalitis (central nervous system disorder, brain damage), paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer.
National and International studies have shown a link between vaccinations and SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). One study found that the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months, the time when the first routine vaccinations are given. Another study concluded that ½ of SIDS cases (2500 of 5000) are related to vaccinations. In the mid-70’s, when Japan raised their vaccinations age from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically. The disturbing fact in the United State is that coroners refuse to check the vaccination state of SIDS victims, which makes it difficult to prove many cases.
Other important truths to consider include the fact that vaccinations actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it. They only focus on one aspect of the immune system, which interferes with the body’s ability to initiate a “generalized response”. Only that one particular aspect of the system will function. What this means is that the vaccinations produce immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other diseases and infections. This may explain why the rate of childhood illness has actually increased rather than decreased in this society. Vaccinations also contain additional chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and aluminum phosphate, which are extremely toxic substances that can lead to hazardous effects. Microscopic doses may lead to cancer, neurological damage, and even death. Several of these may accumulate in the body such that the lethality increases as the number of vaccine increase.
And the story continues. This is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a larger amount of information available for those who wish to learn more (see websites listed below). It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
(Source: HealthFreedomUSA.org)
Medical Hazards,
Vaccination Myth #2
Myth 2: “Vaccines are the main reason for declines in disease rates”
Reality: Most declines in diseases occurred before the introduction of mass immunizations. Infectious disease deaths in the United States and England declined an average of 80% prior to vaccinations. The British Association for the Advancement of Science found that childhood diseases decreased by 90% between 1850 and 1940, long before mandatory vaccination programs. European countries that refused immunizations for small pox and polio saw these epidemics end along with countries that had mandated them. Other infectious diseases continued to decline even in the absence of vaccines for them. This included declines in tuberculosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid and plague.
So what, you may ask, were the reasons for the decrease in diseases at this point in time. Research has found that improved sanitation and hygienic practices; along with improvements in diet and other health factors were the main contributing factors in eradication many diseases. A recent report by the World Health Organization supported this fact. The report found that “disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of diet and hygiene.” What this means is that it is not as important to be immunized as it is to eat healthily and maintain personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.
(Source: HealthFreedomUSA.org)
Reality: Most declines in diseases occurred before the introduction of mass immunizations. Infectious disease deaths in the United States and England declined an average of 80% prior to vaccinations. The British Association for the Advancement of Science found that childhood diseases decreased by 90% between 1850 and 1940, long before mandatory vaccination programs. European countries that refused immunizations for small pox and polio saw these epidemics end along with countries that had mandated them. Other infectious diseases continued to decline even in the absence of vaccines for them. This included declines in tuberculosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid and plague.
So what, you may ask, were the reasons for the decrease in diseases at this point in time. Research has found that improved sanitation and hygienic practices; along with improvements in diet and other health factors were the main contributing factors in eradication many diseases. A recent report by the World Health Organization supported this fact. The report found that “disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of diet and hygiene.” What this means is that it is not as important to be immunized as it is to eat healthily and maintain personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.
(Source: HealthFreedomUSA.org)
Medical Hazards,
Vaccination Myth #1

Reality: Many studies in the medical literature have documented vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, for example measles outbreaks occurred in schools with vaccination levels greater than 98% (Centres for Disease Control). The World Health Organization has actually found that a person who is vaccinated for measles has a 15 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than a person who is not. The effectiveness of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine has been reported to be around 50%. In an incident in Kansas in 1986, 90% of pertussis cases were found to have been vaccinated. In another study of rubella, 36% of adolescent females who had been vaccinated against the disease lacked evidence of immunity by blood tests. Following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in various countries, incidents of the disease actually increased phenomenally. In France, there was a 30% increase; in Hungary, a 55% increase; and in Geneva, Switzerland, there was a tripling of the disease. All of this occurring after the introduction of mass compulsory vaccinations in those countries. In Australia, where vaccinations are not mandatory and only about ½ of the population receives them, the rates of illness are the same for both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups.
What all of these facts point to (and there are many more related to this) is that vaccinations are not as effective as people are made to believe. A person who has been vaccinated has no guarantee that he will not contract the disease and chances are that if he does, it will be at a later age when the consequences are much more serious. The truth of the matter is that when immunity to disease is acquired naturally (such as through breastfeeding or through contact at a young age), the possibility of re-infection is only 3.2%. If the “immunity” comes from the artificial means of vaccinations, the chance of re-infection is 80%. In any epidemic, only a small percentage of the population actually contracts the disease, many of them being naturally immune. If a person who has been vaccinated does not contract the disease, this proves nothing. Chances are that even without the vaccination, he or she would not have gotten the disease any way.
(Source: HealthFreedomUSA.org)
Medical Hazards,
300 Died from Swine Flu VACCINE
In 1976, the government brainwashed the public into believing that the swine flu was a pandemic. They scared the public into taking a swine flu vaccine in order to prevent death. What they didn't tell the public was that this vaccine was NEVER field tested. They also failed to tell the public of the risks involved when taking this shot. Many people became ill and many died due to the recommendations of the CDC. The government sunk as low as using the names of celebrities in their advertisement to try and lure the public into believing that the immunization was safe to take. These celebrities did not agree to the use of their names in this propaganda and most did NOT even take the shot!
Today we are being scared into believing that the swine flu is rapidly spreading and some governments, including our own are creating swine flu vaccinations that should be ready to be distributed this fall. Inform yourselves and your loved ones before injecting yourself with these lethal shots.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, see this CBS video on this vaccination, it will change your mind on how you feel about trusting what doctors, the government, and the media tell you about vaccinations...
Today we are being scared into believing that the swine flu is rapidly spreading and some governments, including our own are creating swine flu vaccinations that should be ready to be distributed this fall. Inform yourselves and your loved ones before injecting yourself with these lethal shots.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, see this CBS video on this vaccination, it will change your mind on how you feel about trusting what doctors, the government, and the media tell you about vaccinations...
How Vaccines are Made
First off, you must know that vaccinations contain animal base ingredients. I am not a vegetarian and I do eat animal products. However, digesting an animal and having one injected directly into your blood stream are two totally different things. There are two processes in which animal based ingredients are used to mass produce vaccines. One is using animal cells as "nurseries". In simple terms, the animal cell houses the virus that doctors want to reproduce. This will be the main ingredient in the vaccine. The animal cell allow the virus to divide and reproduce itself indefinitely. These immortal cells come from a variety of sources, including monkeys, hamsters, or human fetuses. For example, the flu virus is grown within chick fetuses.
These animal cells need energy to continue growing the viruses and are given glucose and other chemicals to help with this. Here comes the second process that uses animal based ingredients. This process is a special "soup".
"The cells are bathed in a "soup" made up of these ingredients, and frequently include other organic chemicals such as growth factors, which can help the cells to develop" (BBC News Health). And just so you know, human growth factors, are rarely used since it doesn't provide reliable result, instead fetal calf serum is the popular choice (which has recently caused a scare).
Once the desirable amount of viruses are replicated the manufacture uses a filtration and purification process to TRY and remove everything but the virus from the vaccine. Okay, now to the fetal calf serum scare. Recently the Department of Health (UK) "told doctors not to use the Medeva brand of polio vaccine after it found the maker had breached CJD safety guidance"(BBC News Health). In lay terms, they were afraid that traces of MAD COW DISEASE may have leaked into the vaccination through the use of beef products! They tried to downplay it by saying it was just a "precaution." However, this sucks for the "hundreds of thousands" of children who already received the vaccine before it was pulled from the shelves.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Thirteen years ago, when my first son was born, I never questioned whether or not to vaccinate him. I was told by doctors, family members, the media, and our government that a responsible parent vaccinates their child. In my mind those who didn't vaccinate were crazy hippy-like-tree-huggers, who were so radical that they didn't vaccinate their children in order to go against mainstream.
I carefully read the literature provided to me by my son's pediatrician and I signed for him to receive... To receive? God knows what?! I had no idea what he was going to receive. I never once questioned what he would receive. I also didn't question if a swollen arm and a slight fever were the only reactions to vaccinations, as those were the only side-effects listed on the literature I was given. To be honest the information was out of sight, thus out of mind. Once I walked out of the pediatricians office, my only concern was the injection sight and nothing else. I was very naive to trust that the doctor would tell me everything I needed to know regarding these shots and naive to think that the doctor actually knew all the risks involved.
Well, I have evolved as a person. I will not take a colorful paper with a few "facts" written on it as a guide to injecting my children ,myself, or my spouse, before fully understanding exactly what we are receiving and FULLY understanding all the risks involved. Out of sight, out of mind will no longer be an excuse for my ignorance.
I carefully read the literature provided to me by my son's pediatrician and I signed for him to receive... To receive? God knows what?! I had no idea what he was going to receive. I never once questioned what he would receive. I also didn't question if a swollen arm and a slight fever were the only reactions to vaccinations, as those were the only side-effects listed on the literature I was given. To be honest the information was out of sight, thus out of mind. Once I walked out of the pediatricians office, my only concern was the injection sight and nothing else. I was very naive to trust that the doctor would tell me everything I needed to know regarding these shots and naive to think that the doctor actually knew all the risks involved.
Well, I have evolved as a person. I will not take a colorful paper with a few "facts" written on it as a guide to injecting my children ,myself, or my spouse, before fully understanding exactly what we are receiving and FULLY understanding all the risks involved. Out of sight, out of mind will no longer be an excuse for my ignorance.
Background Info.,
My Opinion,
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